- 积分
- 2016
The RAT Fire Kit is a “last-ditch” fire starter and mini survival kit container. The watertight capsule has plenty of storage space for tinder, fishhooks, line and other essential survival tools (user supplied). The Fire Kit can be clipped to a belt or vest, carried in your pack or put in the glove box of your vehicle. The compact size and light weight make this kit a very unique survival tool for hikers, adventurers, campers, hunters or anyone else who ventures into the wilds.
The RAT Fire Kit uses a removable / replaceable Misch Metal flint. It does not produce a shower of sparks like standard Ferro rods. When struck with a sharp edge, the Misch Metal flint produces small balls of molten particles that burn hotter and have a longer burn time than the sparks made by a standard fire flint. This rod has been proven to light difficult tinder that regular flint won’t, thus the reason for using this type of flint in a “last-ditch” survival kit. The Misch Metal flint requires a very sharp edge to strike. We suggest using the edge of your knife as a striker. This kit is a real survival tool, and in a true survival situation it won’t matter if you dull a small part of your knife’s edge in exchange for building a life-sustaining fire.
RAT Kit既是一个终极点火器,也是一个微型生存盒。密封防水的容器有足够的空间储存火绒,鱼钩,鱼线和其他生存用品(用户提供)。这个点火器可以别在腰带或外套上,放在包里,或放在车的手套箱里(就是副驾驶座前面那个小箱子)。其微小的体积和很轻的重量使它成为一个对健行,探险,露营,打猎和任何进入荒野的人都有帮助的独特生存工具。
RAT KIT用一个可拆卸或更换的多种金属火棒。它不像一般火石那样产生大片火花。当你用利刃划它时,这种复合金属棒产生的是一堆熔化的小珠,这些小珠不仅燃烧温度比普通火石高,而且燃烧的时间长。这种复合金属棒已经被证明可以点燃普通火石无法点燃的不好用的火绒,这就是它应该被用于终极求生装置里的原因。这种复合金属棒需要很锋利的东西来划。我们建议用刀刃。这个东西是一个确实有效的求生工具,在真实的求生环境下,为了生起救命的火焰,刀刃的一部分变钝,应该是没问题的。 |