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TA的每日心情 | 开心 2016-6-6 10:56 |
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楼主 |
发表于 2010-3-8 22:49
本帖最后由 superdongle 于 2010-3-8 22:50 编辑
#笨鸟注:这里还有一篇由Bill Krier 发表于《Wood Magazine》1992年一月的名为:SOMETHING NEW FOR ADVENTUROUS WOODWORKERS, ACRYLIC-IMPREGNATED ,主要讲亚克力树脂对木材的稳定化处理
...Suppose you could take a piece of soft, crumbling wood and make it hard and solid, while retaining all of its natural beauty? What if this stock proved impervious to swelling, checking, and warping? What if it resisted water, and it's colors never faded? Sound impossible? Not anymore! You can perform this "magical feat" with nearly any piece of dried wood through a process called stabilization...
...How stabilization works
The process forces liquid acrylic resins into wood under high pressure. the resins completely impregnate the stock, and then cure...
...for manufacture into knife handles, pistol grips, boat trim, jewelry, a wide variety of turnings, and many other objects...
...What stabilization does to wood
Once stabilized, your stock increases in weight by 20 to 150 percent (porous woods such as spalted maple take on more resin than dense woods such as ebony). It becomes harder, stronger, and will not change shape. The color darkens slightly, similar to the way wood darkens when you apply water to it. Because the acrylic saturated the wood fibers, the pigments in those fibers cannot fade through oxidation...
...What we discovered in our shop tests
During trials in the WOOD magazine shop, we had good success sawing, sanding, and turning various samples of stabilized woods. Because of their hardness our samples of spalted maple, black ash burl, and Australian lace wood required more cutting power and dulled our tools a little more quickly than nonstabilized wood...
...All cutting operations, especially turning, created clouds of fine dust, so be sure to wear an approved respirator while working it...
...You don't have to apply a finish to stabilized woods. You need only sand the work piece with a succession of 100-, 320-, and 400- grit abrasives, and then buff with a compound to bring out a deep sheen. A coat of wax protects the buffed surface...
...We achieved an even shinier surface, though (and one that doesn't require any maintenance), by sanding up to 320-grit paper and applying a water-based finish. Unlike untreated wood, the grain of stabilized wood does not raise when you apply a water-based finish...
...Oil-based finishes also work, but keep in mind that these will add a slight amber cast to the natural appearance of the wood. Stabilized woods do not accept stains, but we can't imagine many circumstances under which you would need to alter the already beautiful look of these woods.
这篇文章里有讲到high pressure,我把high pressure 划了粗线,但我并不真的明白这个高压是讲高的正压还是负压。。 |