于是带着疑问,我冒昧的写信给了chris reeve knife。结果让我吃惊, Anne迅速回信给我,告诉我这是一把非常少见的沙。是来自于一个专门的项目。在九十年带中期,加州的一个叫做house of cultury的商店向chris reeve定做一批刀,由于店主和chirs reeve,以及专门雕刻手工刀的的制刀师 Gary Blanchard都是很好的朋友,于是Gary答应拔刀相助,每一把刀的刀柄先由chris reeve的公司提供,然后送至Gary Blanchard处雕刻,最后回到chris reeve那里装配成刀。 据Anne和Chris 本人回忆,原本计划製做5把,每把都有不同的非洲动物,结果Gary只雕了三把,分别是狮子,大象和猎豹。 这个项目前后持续了5年左右,于是一把很早就配好编号的刀柄,一直到99年才成刀。
这把刀的做工非常精细,刀柄正反两面都是光滑的淡淡的金色,不像很多的雕花沙只有一面是打磨的,刀柄和刀刃是由scott 亲手做的,也就是后来离开CRK独立做出Locsha的那一位。雕刻是由Gary Blanchard完成。一共只有三把,每一把的动物都是独一无二。也许这把刀不能叫做量产刀,应该归到手工刀的行列了。呵呵
接下来,我又在网上搜索到大约00年01年前后,网上一些论坛关于这把刀的讨论,比如这个帖子,可以想见,当年的时候曾经见过这刀的人对它是多么的推崇,Anne自己也承认,再也不会有这样的刀了,而且当年的Gary也好,Chris Reeve也好,他们自己都很遗憾没有留一张照片,呵呵,这次我发信给Anne,让她很是吃惊了一下。 http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php/128563-Lion-Relief-Sebenza
还有 http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php/226420-Looking-for-Pictures-of-Cheetah-Lion-and-Elephant-Carved-Sebenzas
附录一下Anne 给我的回信,
Thank you very much for your email and for the photographs of such a beautiful knife! As far as Chris and I can remember, this is one of three Sebenzas that Gary engraved for a shop in California called House of Cutlery. As far as we know, the shop has been out of business for a long time. Gary is a good friend, and a very talented engraver and custom knife maker. He was friendly with the owners of the House of Cutlery so agreed to do the project. I think his original intention was to engrave 5 knives but ended up only doing three.
The number 81 refers to the fact that it is the 81st Sebenza that we made with the handle shape that we call the Regular Profile. I can confirm that the information on the Guarantee Card is correct!
I wish I had more information about the knife! Enjoy a beautiful and unique knife!