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TA的每日心情![](source/plugin/dsu_paulsign/img/emot/kx.gif) | 开心 2020-3-3 00:03 |
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本帖最后由 毒九 于 2020-4-24 14:33 编辑
Freedom's Steel是Knife Rights(美国刀权组织)每年为NRA-ILA(美国步木·仓协会,立法行动研究所)筹款拍卖的定制刀。
每把刀都叫Freedom's Steel,后面加序列号,有的再起一个名字。
这把就是第二把,Freedom’s Steel II,2013年拍卖,名字叫Never Forget,永志不忘。
第一把是2012年拍卖的David Broadwell作品。帖子链接
原文和图片来自Knife Rights网站链接,侵删。
Freedom’s Steel™ II – Never Forget™ will be a featured auction item at the NRA-ILA Dinner and Auction to be held at the NRA Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas, the evening of May 3, 2013. Proceeds from the sale of Freedom’s Steel™ II – Never Forget™ will support NRA-ILA efforts to defend the Second Amendment.
Freedom's Steel II – 永志不忘 将作为NRA-ILA晚餐拍卖会上的特别拍卖品,该晚宴将于2013年5月3日晚,在德克萨斯休斯顿举办的NRA年会举行。
This one-of-a-kind 18-inch 700-layer Damascus Bowie was forged by National Living Treasure and American Bladesmith Society Master Bladesmith Jerry Fisk from steel salvaged from the Destroyer USS Cole (attacked 8/12/2000) and from 2 World Trade Center (South Tower – attacked 9/11/2001). These historic steels were donated by Fisk and this is the only knife he will ever make in which these two significant steels alone are combined in one blade.
这块独一无二的,18英寸长,700层大马钢博弈是由国家活宝、ABS大师Jerry Fisk锻造的。
(注:科尔号导弹驱逐舰(USS Cole DDG-67)是美国海军阿利·伯克级驱逐舰的第十七艘,以海军陆战队中士达雷尔·科尔(Darrell S. Cole)命名。
The 700 layers in the Damascus represent the 700 British soldiers that attacked the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord, the first battle for our freedom. Fisk forged the blade into an “Interrupted W” pattern because George “W” Bush was in the White House at the time the terrorists struck in the attack on 9/11, from which a portion of the steel was salvaged. Thus, the layers represent the first armed American resistance and the “Interrupted W” pattern represents the last attack on American home soil.
Fisk把大马花纹锻造成不规则的“W”字花纹,因为911袭击时,白宫的主人是George “W” Bush。
Jerry Fisk describing the steel used in Freedom’s Steel™ II – Never Forget™: “The large bottom piece is from the World Trade Center South Tower; it still had some of the blast residue on it. The smaller bent piece is from the USS Cole, salvaged by one of the welders that cut out part of the blast section. In addition, there are two pieces of 1084 high carbon steel to give it edge holding and a third piece of steel was salvaged from a small country mill from the early part of the 20th century, which represents the middle class working man, the foundation of America.”
Jerry Fisk 这样讲述他在这把刀里使用的钢材:
Fisk explains that he chose to make this knife a Bowie because “the Bowie is recognized world-wide as the quintessential American knife, a recognized symbol of America. This is an early American style of Bowie which represents the fundamental American characteristics of lean strength and resilience, the basics we should get back to in running our great country.”
The two steel handle spacers were forged by Fisk from rebar salvaged from the restoration of the Statue of Liberty (1982-1986) and donated by world-renowned engraver Leonard Francolini of New Mexico.
Fisk锻造两个手柄垫片所用的钢来自于自由女神维修(1982-1986)时回收的钢材,由新墨西哥雕刻师Leonard Francolini捐赠。
Francolini’s exquisite engraving of the guard features 24 karat flush gold scrollwork inlaid around the perimeter of the guard. The sides of the guard have steel cut scrollwork with a punch dot background. It is signed “FRANCOLINI” in a recessed, 24 karat gold inlaid rectangle on the bottom of the guard.
Fisk carved the oak handle spacer out of a salvaged branch from the Alamo’s Historic Live Oak, which was also donated by Fisk. The significance of the blade’s length of 12 3/4 inches is also related to the Alamo. The historic siege of the Alamo lasted just short of 13 full days before it finally fell to Mexican General Santa Anna on March 6, 1836.
刀片长度12又四分之三英寸和阿拉莫也有关系,历史上的阿拉莫之围持续了将近13天,在它最终被墨西哥将军Santa Anna在1836年3月6日攻陷之前。
The handle was carved by Fisk from 10,000-year-old rare ringed fossilized mammoth ivory that was dug up on Saint Lawrence Island, Alaska.
手柄所用稀有环状纹样猛犸象牙化石具有万年历史,发掘于阿拉斯加的Saint Lawrence岛。
Custom Leather Maker Paul F. Long handcrafted the sheath to compliment the extraordinary knife and, especially, the color of the historical Mammoth Ivory handle. The sheath features top grain vegetable tanned, russet colored American cowhide with a brown lizard chevron overlay. It is fully lined with supple deerskin to protect the blade. Long hand-tooled the geometric embellishments.
定制鞘师Paul F. Long为这把非凡的刀手工制作皮鞘,特别搭配历史久远的猛犸象牙手柄的颜色。
Freedom’s Steel™ II – Never Forget™is presented in a custom-built black walnut display case by Brookfield Case. It features glass on four sides and the top and is internally lit with LED lighting. Etched into the glass front is a reproduction of the original script from the ratified Bill of Rights:
…the right of the People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified December 15, 1791
刀匠:Jerry Fisk
Jerry Fisk has been working full-time as a Master Bladesmith since 1989. In 1999 Fisk was named a National Living Treasure by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington’s Museum of World Cultures.
Jerry Fisk 从1989年开始成为MS级刀匠。
The list of awards Fisk has won both in the U.S and abroad is long and varied. He is the only double winner of the William F. Moran Knife of the Year Award. Fisk serves as Field Editor of BLADE magazine and has authored a book on Damascus steel that is used as a textbook at the acclaimed Moran School of Bladesmithing.
Fisk explains his approach to knifemaking and what drives him:
“I make knives and edged tools because of a life-long interest and desire. The only limits to this field are those I put on myself. Lots of times I blend centuries-old techniques with modern methods. I prefer designs drawn from something that simulates nature and prefer to work in natural materials.
All of my blades from field grade to ornate pieces are tested to insure they perform in the manner for which they are designed for and made as strong as the design allows.
Because of the way that I was raised, a knife to me is first a tool, and second it is pretty to look at, if done right. This is just the way I was raised. Work hard and use a good tool.
In these modern times you have to search for something that a craftsman/artist makes one-at-a-time. The days of one person working in their shop to create functional works of art are fast going, as it seems we live in a disposable world. This is your time to own something for you and your family that can be passed down. Each generation will have its own stories of the piece and the memories it holds for them. That is something to treasure for the ages.
When I was asked once, why I make knives, I said, ‘…to show that I lived.’ My work will last hundreds of years longer than I will. But now they will know I was here.”
雕刻师: Leonard Francolini, 鞘师: Paul F. Long,展示柜,都在上一贴中介绍,不再重复。链接
刀具摄影:Buddy Thomason
Buddy Thomason has been active in the custom knife arena for over a decade; as collector, writer, photographer and supporter of knife and g·u·n rights. Buddy has thoroughly embraced the new world of digital image capture, using state-of-the-art gear and software to produce stunning custom knife portraits and event video. His collaborative approach ensures that every client’s vision is fully realized in the final product. Click here to see more of Buddy’s work.
Buddy Thomason已经进入定制刀圈子十多年了,从一个收藏者,写手,摄影师,到刀、木·仓权利的支持者。
关于Knife Rights(美国刀权组织)、NRA-ILA(美国步木·仓协会,立法行动研究所),上篇帖子已做介绍,不再重复。