本帖最后由 wufan2000cs 于 2016-1-19 22:13 编辑
一直很喜欢EDC小工具这类的玩具,因为可以每天携带使用,也能方便日常生活,所以经常外网查一些资料和图片。偶然间看到一种材质Zirconium,简称ZIRC,也就是锆金属。很多国外的工匠都会制作一些EDC的小工具,大部分都是铜或者是钛制品,而少量的会加工一些ZIRC材质的小工具,价格会高不少。于是就百度了一下锆金属。 锆(Zirconium)是一种化学元素,它的化学符号是Zr,它的原子序数是40,是一种高熔点金属,呈浅灰色。密度6.49克/立方厘米。熔点1852±2℃,沸点4377℃。化合价+2、+3和+4。第一电离能6.84电子伏特。锆的表面易形成一层氧化膜,具有光泽,故外观与钢相似。有耐腐蚀性,可溶于氢氟酸和王水;高温时,可与非金属元素和许多金属元素反应,生成固体溶液化合物。 军事用途 从军工上来看,钢里只要加进千分之一的锆,硬度和强度就会惊人地提高。含锆的装甲钢、大炮锻件钢、不锈钢和耐热钢等是制造装甲车、坦克、大炮和防弹板等武器的重要材料。 从原子能和核能上来看,锆有突出的核能性,是发展原子能工业不可缺少的材料,中国的大型核电站普遍都用锆材,如果用核动力发电,每一百万千瓦的发电能力,一年就要消耗掉20到25吨金属锆。一艘三万马力的核潜艇所用的锆合金作核燃料的包套和压力管,使用量即可达20至30吨。 锆是一种稀有金属,具有惊人的抗腐蚀性能、极高的熔点、超高的硬度和强度等特性,被广泛用在航空航天、军工、核反应、原子能领域。“神六”上使用的抗腐蚀性、耐高的钛产品,其抗腐蚀性能远不如锆,其熔点1600度左右,而锆的熔点则在1800度以上,二氧化锆的熔点更是高达2700度以上,所以锆作为航空航天材料,其各方面的性能大大优越于钛。 个人感觉ZIRC价格高于钛制品的原因,主要在加工的难度上面,有幸入手了几款锆合金的EDC小工具,分别是PETER ATWOOD锆版本的Prybaby,Darriel Caston的锆版本笔,VOX Knives锆版本的snail,还有就是ANSO锆版本的V3快挂。 截止目前见过的ZIRC处理方式,接近镜面的抛光,橘皮,磨砂,石纹。目前手上这几个,处理效果最好的是ATWOOD的Prybaby,整体呈黑灰色,手感细腻,很压手;其次是Darriel Caston的笔,扁圆形的设计,握感不错,特别是抛光后光滑如玉,并且很有光泽;VOX的Snail做了拉丝的处理;Anso的V3是做了橘皮处理. Atwood可以算得上是制作EDC工具的鼻祖了,本人查找到Atwood加工ZIRC材质时的一些描述,本人英文水平较差,还请有能之士帮忙翻译一下,小弟再这里拜谢了。
"Today I havesome truly exotic P15 Prybabies to offer you. These are made of 702 Zirconium!I was recently offered a small piece of this material so I could not resisttrying a few tools with it. We go from 1/4 inch Roid thickness back to 1/8 inchSummer Weight on these but they are still way cool... The strength appears tobe just fine for a light duty tool but I would use some common sense beforetaking a hammer to it or a "cheater" bar. Zirconium isdescribed in the literature as having a high affinity for oxygen and man ohman, is that ever the truth! Titanium is hardly easy to work with either butthis Zr stuff is just plain nasty to grind. It requires very slow speeds andthat is why I am so grateful to have a good speed controller on my KMG grinderas I can get it down to a crawl. Pre-milling the large bevel before finishgrinding is a must to avoid conflagration. The sparks from titanium are veryflammable too but this Zr is downright hazardous. You have to keep an eagle eyeon the dust and keep the dust collection bucket flooded with water. But, onceyou are past that delicate stage it's not so bad with the rest of the finishingsteps. Speaking offinishes, I had a little fun with these...Anyone could have made them dullblack by simply heating with a torch and rubbing them with oil. I decided totry a variety of techniques though to see what else I could come up with. Don'task me to repeat it because I'm not exactly sure at this point what all I didbut there were multiple steps involved including heat, electricity, tumbling,blasting and hand rubbing to arrive at what I think are some very unusual andsubtle looks ranging from rusty warm browns to light color tones." 照旧发一些国外工匠制作的ZIRC材质的小工具,也希望加工过此类玩具的工匠心得。