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“你倒是避開了時間悖論~~但你也來了個空間大挪移~~ ”
您又错了!空间和时间都没有挪移,hindo-persian武器系早就在公元前5世纪就和欧洲较量了。10 世纪赛尔seljuk突厥人首先进入欧洲,经过多次内战及十字军东征洗礼后其中的一支与当地caucasian融合其领袖osman建立ottoman帝国。至帝国建立之日便不断扩张,在15~16世纪与波斯的Safavid (或是saa'pha‘vid)朝多次发生过战争。版图的接壤早在seljuk时期就发生过。波斯和印度在14世纪被Timur征服并入timurid帝国,文化人口经过融合,统一军队编制。后期timurid帝国分裂,印度和波斯的safavid朝各自独立,战争及文化往来密切。16世纪土耳其的苏里曼大帝打败波斯军,一直杀到巴格达,直接威胁伊朗本土迫使波斯被迫求和。
Late examples often had European-made blades, set into distinctive Indian-made hilts.-(------摘自http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talwar ) 注意!!!后期的样式经常出直欧洲人之手,故意将装具做成印度样式的。
该叶上有关于这种武器的简单描述。tulwar是波斯弯刀shamshir 和突厥kilic融合的产物。
“In the medieval era and with the Islamic invasions, a new type of light and flexible sword was needed along with the new cavalry forces that came to dominate Indian military history. Thus the Rajputs developed the talwar, a single-edged curved sword, influenced by foreign weapons, which became the archetypal Rajput sword.[citation needed]
The khanda became the weapon of last resort. Rajput warriors in battle wielded it with both hands and swung it over their head when surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy. It was in this manner that they traditionally committed an honourable last stand rather than be captured.
Even today venerating the Khanda on the occasion of Dussehra is de rigueur for Rajputs.”
------摘自http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khanda_(sword) 章节:《Khanda replaced by the Talwar》
tulwar是为了适应伊斯兰入侵者主宰印度的骑兵战术,而从波斯shamshir和突厥kilic两种外来武器的基础上加入印度式的柄和护手。楼主图片中刀柄的设计是代表古印度Rajputs战士身份,这种手柄的tulwar没过多久就被Timur的turko-mongol军队打得落花流水。“...at the same moment, timur's heavy armored bodyguards, under his personal command, smashed into Mehmud right flank, tured sultan's army into full flight"...“...arrows and swords slided off his armor..." (印度人的弓箭和刀在盔甲上划过》。一个半世纪后, Zahiruddin Mohammed Baber 16世纪再次入侵印度,击败并彻底征服了北印度,(突厥蒙古再次击败印度)。在战争的洗礼中古印度式的刀柄早已被淘汰。在西亚和印度战场上,用于装备普通士兵的tulwar是没有这种印度式手柄的。这种刀主要rajputs身份的象征。
另外广为大家收藏的1796式轻骑兵刀就是用于实战的tulwar,由英军和普鲁士人普遍在世界范围使用。1796 骑兵刀根本就没有这种卡手的设计。
[ 本帖最后由 150Cr8Mo2V4 于 2009-3-23 22:44 编辑 ] |